i watched the movie 'wanted' last 2 days and there was a part where the guy felt that he is a nobody and people wouldn't care less if he ever existed. he 'google' himself and.. NONE. So i was thinking... ahhh yes yes i 'google' myself! haha ;p the results were pretty amazing~ i didn't noe that there is a province called AZUA.. haha ganjil eyyhhh.. and tmpt atu like d mana? Domonican Republic?? eyyyhhhh.. jauh juaaa.. but then, after saying and looking at my own name over and over again, it made me realised how beautiful and unique my name is.. haha thanks Bapa for giving me such a sweet name =)) and ada jua bnyk people nama azua anee.. i got two women on friendster and facebook! oh yess aku add drg, just a curiousity u noe.. ehh om my god, bcerita bnr2 jua ku hahaha ;p bahh enough said..
while i was prouding out my name, this picture made a smile on my face.. kiuuuuuuuttt~

p/s : not that i look like a panda ahhhh.. hahaha