this tag was not officially tagged banarnya.. aku yg asi2 kn mau mbuat tagging ane haha.. but Rabbit was kindly tagged aku jua heehee.. Thanks girl =)
here it goes..
Starting time : 11:34 pm
Name : azua
Sisters : khadizah, fatimah, rohani, zuhaidah, aisyah
Brothers : amin, latif, zainal abidin, zainal saifuddin
Shoe size : 38/39/40 (hehe)
Height : 5'2
Where do you live : Kg. Bunut
Favourite drinks : Tea, milo and ohh COKE!
Favourite breakfast : bubur kosong sama pusu hehehe
Have you ever been on a plane : nda pernah, ksian..
Swam in the ocean : nda pndai beranang
Fallen asleep at school : once i tink masa form 1, tym Sir Najmul ngjr maths
Broken someone's heart : Yes
Fell of your chair : Yes hahaha.. masa form 4!
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Dulu gnya, ane nda lagi
Saved emails : Auu~
What is your room like : Jgnth kamu msuk, bejurit!
What's right beside you : Novel English ku yg kn dakat 4 bulan udh alum th abis2nya ku baca
What is the last thing you ate : Cucur ubi manis
Ever had chicken pox : Yup, masa umur 7 taun, wahhh ingat ane whhh
Sore throat : Last month
Stitches : Alhmdulillah, nada..
Broken nose : Jgn minta2 eh..
Do you believe in love at first sight : I do! I do! I do!
Like picnics : inda, mbagi itam muka ahhh..
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with : My cousins masa my bro's wedding
Last made you smile : c sepol fahri
You last yelled at : c Abg my adi
Today did you
Talk to someone you like : Au.. hehe
Kissed anyone : Alum masanya
Get sick : Inda
Talk to an ex : Batah dh ku nda kontek sama ia.. liat dri jauh jadith
Miss someone : yesshh.. and i chatted with him td =)
Eat : What a stupid question!
Best feeling in the world : Those butterflies in the little belly~
Do you sleep with stuffed animal : Mcm teddy bear ka u mean?
What's under your bed : All sorts of crab
Who do you really hate : this one guy.. pffhh!
What time is it now : 11:50 pm
Is there a person who is on your mind now : au ada..
Do you have any siblings : 9 smuanya.. smuanya crack2..
Do you want children : I do, I do, I do~
Do you smile often : Oh yes I do.. even at strangers
Do you like your handwriting : Yup, it's cute ;p
Are your toe nails painted : Nope
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : Katil babu n bapa
What colour shirt are you wearing now : Dark blue
What were you doing at 7pm yesterday : Mliat ceta 'Little Nicky' arh Youtube
When did you cry last : Dmlm.. i bumped into my old pics of me n my ex
Are you a friendly person : Au eyyhhh.. even to strangers.. majal neh
Do you have any pets : Inda. Nda ku suka.
Where is the person you have feeling right now : At home, tdur kali udh
Did the last person held your hand with mean anything to you now : Indeeee.. he's such a manipulative asshole
Do you sleep with the TV on : Lama udh ku nda mliat Tv..
What are you doing right now : WHAT A STUPID QUESTION!
Have you ever crawled through a window : Yup, and ended up having bruises d paha.. haha!
Can you handle the truth : I can't. What a loser.
Are you too forgiving : Yes, because i believe in Karma
Are you close to your mother or father : Babu 100% n Bapa 99.9%
Who was the last person you cried in front of : C Rem n Fairuz
How many people can you say you've really loved : Two
Do you eat healthy : Yes. I eat vegetables everyday =D
Do you still have pictures of you&your ex : Yes
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you : Yes Yes. Last two weeks ago.
If you're having a bad day who are you most likely to go to : C Salwa c besfrennn..
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : I'm an out loud girl.. still
Are you confident : mmmm.. almost
5 things i was doing 10 years ago.
1- Msuk Persediaan Arab
2- Bgauk sama my former besfren c Isra haha
3- Menyamseng sama c Isra
4- Did something stupid. Craving names on my hand. kanak2 jua banarrr
5- Samseng2 pun, aku dpt 5A on PCE hahaha
5 things on my to-do list today.
1- Mandi Wajip
2- Siapkn assignment Firaq
3- Re-typing attendance sheet for Madam Sanda
4- Buat exercises english
5- Liat Sex and The City
5 snacks i enjoy.
1- Coke
2- Pringles
3- Chocolates
4- Biscuits
5- Samboi
5 things i would do if i were a billionaire.
1- Shopping sepuas2nya yg teramat puas
2- Then bsedakah
3- Bayar hutang2 rumah, air, karan, smua2nya lah
4- Bali piano wrna pink covered with diamonds
5- Bina masjid yg paling indah seakan2 taman syurga filled with trees and blossoming flowers, calm flowing rivers with the smell of sweet grass and chirping birds singing everywhere.. hhmmm~
5 of my bad habits.
1- Gigit bibir smpai bdarah
2- Aher bgn
3- Buat kraja last minute brabis
4- Menyumpah2 urg.. oppss!
5- Pemboros
5 places i have lived in.
1- Kg Sultan Lama (yg masane kna dirikn Yayasan ah, yth udh exactly tmpt ku tnggl dulu tu)
2- Rumah terrace di Lambak Kanan i tink
3- Kg Bunut ( now)
4- Insyallah di kubur
5- Insyallah di Syurga.. amin amin~
5 jobs i've had.
1- Tutor at home
2- Babysitter
3- Nurse bapaku
4- Full time cooker d rmh
5- Driver adi2 ku
5 peoples i tag.
1- Edah Chan my ambuk sister
2- Erahh~ buat erah ahh.. hehe
3- cKoii
4- c Hjh since ko buat blog baru ahh.. hehe
5- ko mau buat Sal??? ;p