* State 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. * The people I tag are then follow my footsteps and write their own 15 weird things/habits and little known facts. * No tag back
- i always pull out my hair whenever i'm scarfless.. and yes, almost kn nmpk udh scalp ku hahaha!
- i luv to bite my bibir.. but not bibir yg dluar atu, yg ddlm ahh.. siuuuuk hehe.. smpai bdarah2 jua lehnya hoho
- i'm allergic to dusk..
- and that, mata ku slalu gatal2 and aku slalu garu2.. yth jdi mata panda ;p
- i eat all sorts of sayur2an.. except sayur masin! nda ku pndai~
- i am still using my Pilot G-Tech C4 pen since i was in primary 5.. nda pernah makai pen lain..
- i am a Johnson Johnson's lover.. from powder to shampoo to body shower to facial foam..
- and that is why i'm still using Clean&Clear products.. =))
- i think hairy and muscular guys are super HOT!!!!!
- i had (and still am) a crush on my cousin since forever..
- i have a major breakdown cramp everytime i'm on my period.. EVERYTIME!
- i lost half my evergy when aku uzur.. spend the whole day atas katil
- i have a gastric problem
- drinking susu ia away to cure it.. *wink*
- i MUST drink tea everyday otherwise parut ku menyamal..
there, done it!
i tagged wani, santy, noi, ehan, dbah and erah.. happy posting and fasting! hee