it's sunday and i'm at home.. nada kan dbuat ah.. so i ended up menyuci piring and cleaning up the house.. weird. Was about kan cuci kerita td tapinya ujan tya.. The car needs servicing and showering like seriously hahaha. Krg mlm th gayanya tu.
Last night was plain boreng! I spent my saturday nite drmh saja.. Two nights in a row ane wahh.. The boyfriend was busy with family.. Arghh boreng. Next week i must go out with or without him. Nyehehe. Dmlm i got an email frm a dear friend. Baruth techeck wh email ah.. Hai shur, i hope everything is all good.. Lama inda dgr news and updates frm u.. Miss u! =D
Tomorrow is the 2nd week of last semester.. Yes, i'm counting my days now nyahaha inda sabar kan abis degree! After class esk kan singgah ke CFBT kn ambil borang exam ielts. Then the day after kn ke JPI and MOE btnya psl scholarships. I'm thinking kan sambung my master either di UK, Aussie, Kl or Unissa. So much to do eyhh. But for now, focus th dulu menyiapkan thesis hehe.
Happy sunday everyone!